One reason why I'm so passionate about my work is...

During the summer of 2007,
I awoke from a coma in a hospital
and was told i survived a plane crash.
In the blink of an eye,
my life had drastically changed.
In one moment, I knew myself to be
an alaskan bush pilot, ice hockey playing woman,
who lived life at full speed ahead.
In the next,
I was in a hospital bed with chest tubes draining a collapsed lung, IV lines, many broken bones & trauma as well as a traumatic brain injury.
Surrounded with support of medical staff, family and friends, I slowly began a healing journey that transformed my life and who i knew myself to be. Traversing depths of heart and soul​, I was determined to find my way back to health, sanity, and joy. It was excruciating at times, and required a lot of permission, reflection, love, and support. Everything I had thought was reliable, stable and true shifted and left me feeling angry, confused, and lost. My heart needed new answers to explain what had happened to me. Gratefully I found support from teachers within the tibetan buddhist tradition who offered me understanding i was looking for through contemplation and meditation. This became a primary support which helped me begin to mend the pieces of my shattered heart and soul.
My body too needed mending, thankfully I've received a myriad of traditional medical and holistic healing modalities over many years in order to arrive where I am today. Although I cannot claim to have found a modality that heals all, craniosacral therapy, was a powerful and essential support to healing my whole body and being. It offered my sped-up, traumatized nervous system the opportunity to access deep states of rest that I could not otherwise access on my own. This allowed the trauma in my body to begin to unwind and brought me back to a state of health and balance. Other supports worth mentioning were various somatic & psychological-based therapies, meditation, sound, dance and singing practices, water aerobics, and most importantly was building a supportive community.
Later, I decided to get certified as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist. Having experienced its benefits first hand, I knew it would continue to support my healing simultaneously with others. I feel honored to be able to offer this profound and restorative healing modality in the world. I am also excited to bring my passion and skills into the world via natural facial rejuvenation, coaching, and teaching yoga and meditation.
Curious about my Credentials?
Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Ajaya Sommers 2012.
Lange-Muller Method of Natural Facial Rejuvenation 2017
*A Synthesis of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Techniques and Chinese Acupressure
specific to the face
700 hour Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Foundation Training
with Gary Peterson 2016-2018.
*Registered Craniosacral Therapist RCST®
with The Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America 2018
200 hour Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training 2019
Wayfinder Life Coach Training 2020
LoveYourBrain Certified Yoga Instructor 2022

Dance When you're broken open.
Dance if you've torn the bandage off..
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance when you're perfectly free.